If I join the course, will I be committing to a career

We will present you with various opportunities with our partners, post completion of the course. If you choose to pursue other opportunities outside our network, great. The most important thing is you and finding a role which is the best suited for you.

I haven’t thought about what I will do after my sports career, is it worth speaking to you now or waiting until I have retired

We would always speak before you join a course, when the time is right for you, we will support you. Give us a call or send us an email and we take it from there.

Will my information be confidential

Yes, all information you provide will be confidential and only passed to partners once we have agreed with you.

What are the Second Peak Performance courses like?

There are 9 modules, covering key topics to prepare you for a new career. The courses are interactive and laid back, we provide a safe space to explore and learn.

I am registered with the governing body of the sport I compete in, are you affiliated

We pride ourselves on being fiercely independent. We put our athletes and partners at the centre of our thought, always.

I am not an athlete can I join in

We only provide career transitional support for athletes. If you contact us directly we will try and help you by providing some alternative options for you.

Are there exams on the course

No, its based on coach principles not on formal examinations.

What type or roles and salaries can I expect from your partners

If you are successful during an interview process with a partner organisation (you will be well prepared after completion of the course) the type of role would be dependent on your skillset and aspiration. Commercial roles in sales, marketing, account management, technology and product are often popular choices.

How will Second Peak Performance improve my career and lifestyle

The support we offer is centred around you. We provide expert advise on important topics to help you be success in your career. We will coach and support you through the important stages of transition.

Am I expected to have any experience

We have a mix of partners, some like to see some work experience, others love the fact that they can work with you and mould you, without any preconceived ideas.




We support Athletes transition, before, during or after their sporting career

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